ist seit 2021 ein read-only Archiv


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Everything posted by DekiGk

  1. Thanks for sharing @Dominik Simon. Hopefully you will find the time to translate it to English, or at least you can tell me the gist of it.
  2. That would have been my next suggestion
  3. Come on, suggestions! I suggest Schubertpark. I want to do an Advanced Workshop tomorrow. So, all of you who train around 2 years or more you can join if you want to.
  4. Thanks for the answer and the clarification. I understood something like, who wants to hang out and warm up with him is welcome. Anyway, looking forward to meeting him on Saturday. See you there.
  5. Hey @Alexx I didn't get what you meant here. Can you please explain to me? Sry.
  6. Someone forgot his/her water bottle on the table today. I brought it with me. Can someone also post in the whatsapp group so we can find who owns this? Thanks.
  7. Spot decision: Feuerwache
  8. Great one. Thanks @Fretless
  9. Thanks @rocket66 cool picture
  10. Wake up !!!
  11. Lilienbrunngasse +1 Hegelgasse +1 As I didn`t train in any one of them
  12. Where do you want to go this Sunday?
  13. Rohrauer park
  14. until

  15. until

    Great. Thanks. See you there.
  16. until

    Are we gonna have madness tonight?
  17. See you there.
  18. OBERLAA A A A !!!
  19. Spot suggestions for today?
  20. Spot decision?
  21. We missed one person to complete 7/7 stars
  22. Schönborn park +1


Gegründet im Sommer 2004, online seit 01/2006. ist das read-only Archiv der größten Parkour-Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum und Grundstein der österreichischen Community.
Seit 2021 ist die aktive Community-Plattform. bietet geleitete Trainings/Workshops und ist die Anlaufstelle, für professionelle Anfragen.