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Everything posted by DekiGk

  1. Oh shit, I didn`t see where the camera is...
  2. Schönbornpark
  3. One of my favourite traceurs!
  4. Yup, he has really good ones.
  5. You mean +1?
  6. Vorschlag: Donauinsel
  7. One of my favourite traceurs: MinhPk
  8. Thats exactly what I mean
  9. Too much "hype" around the whole video for my liking. Excellent moves though, great level.
  10. Pretty sick stuff, and I do not mean this in a positive way. Sure, the moves are impressive and I know how hard they are to execute, but I think they are not necessary at all in my opinion. Don`t get me wrong, the dive roll is an important technique to learn, but in the parkour sense (move effectively with as little energy wasted as possible) this makes no sense to me. Too little respect for the environment they are training in can be seen throughout the video. And the security guy at the end summed it all up nicely. Instead of mocking that guy they should seriously reconsider what they are doing and how. Me no likey this video... Sorry.
  11. Parkour Serbia has regular trainings for kids and once a month they are joined by their parents for a training session. This way they are encouraging parents to stay active and how they can train parkour with their kids. The feedback from the parents has been positive.
  12. Nice video !
  13. Hey guys. Unfortunatelly I wont join today. I wish you a great jam and we'll see each other tomorrow on the forum meeting probably.
  14. I will also join at Westbanhof at 9am. I suppose we buy tickets at Westbanhof directly before the trip, right?
  15. Ok. Thanks. That leaves us with westbahn 20 euto one way option.
  16. I will also join on Westbahn if there is no possibility to get the group ticket which should be cheaper...
  17. Wait, is this one way 45 euros for 5 persons or both ways? Do we have to return the same day? And do we need to pay something for the way back? If so, is the price the same for return ticket as well (45 + 45 euros for 5 persons) What is the option from Westbanhof, I didn`t really understand.
  18. Did anyone buy the tickets already for the train, what is the procedure, what is the price?
  19. You are welcome. Unlike a lot of stuff I see from the UK community, the guys from Manchester are always a big inspiration for me.
  20. You are welcome. Boki is a big big inspiration for me. The biggest and most important figure in developing PK on the Balkans and Europe.


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