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Everything posted by DekiGk

  1. Oh we are doing this? Ok, challenge accepted. I will post my pic from solo training madness next week.
  2. Where to tonight?
  3. @theSuess Why do I learn about this only now, and only from my random Google Search. You might have told me about it, but if you did I completely forgot. So, sorry about that. Oh boy, this is really cool. I would like to help with the WebApp version, and maybe (if you decide) with a Hybrid app version (I could pick up React Native pretty fast I guess). Lets talk next time we see each other about this, I would really love to kickstart this project back up. Btw, I found this app as well: Looks more polished and professional. At least from the screenshots. I will test both over next period of time and give you a full feedback round. :)))
  4. Spot decision: Donauinsel
  5. Rennbahnweg +1 Donauinsel +1
  6. until
    Was? Wann? 19:00 Wo? Donauinsel U1, Abgang Hubertusdamm, bei den Treppen Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Ausgang von der Treppe blockiert ist. Sie können den Ausgang von der Brücke benutzen Wer? DU!
  7. until

    I will be a bit late but I am coming.
  8. Spot decision: Schwendermarkt
  9. Renbahnweg?
  10. Spot decision: längefeldgasse Meidling Church Migazzipl., 1120 Wien 01 8136196
  11. until
    Was: Wann: 19:00-20:30 Wer: Du Wo: Schwendermarkt
  12. Spot decision?
  13. until
    Was: Wann: 19:00-20:30 Wer: Du Wo: Jesuitenwiese
  14. Ohne Julian Mit Julian


Gegründet im Sommer 2004, online seit 01/2006. ist das read-only Archiv der größten Parkour-Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum und Grundstein der österreichischen Community.
Seit 2021 ist die aktive Community-Plattform. bietet geleitete Trainings/Workshops und ist die Anlaufstelle, für professionelle Anfragen.