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[Google] Assassin's Creed: Unity Receiving Parkour Treatment by Jesse La Flair - SegmentNext


Assassin's Creed: Unity Receiving Parkour Treatment by Jesse La Flair


Ubisoft has Build the Assassin's Creed games around Parkour moves and for their upcoming game the studio might be seeking a help of a Professional. One of the users on Reddit named 'ProfeshCamper' has discovered a comment of a Professional Parkour ...

Assassin's Creed Unity horizontal wall move teased by parkour professionalPlayStation Universe

Assassin's Creed: Unity could have horizontal wall-running, parkour artist teasesVG247

The next protagonist for Assasin's Creed?Gamenguide

Strategy Informer (press release) -GamingBolt

Alle 11 Artikel »

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