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[PkGenerations] New Podcast! JackalMafia Episode 2 - Swinging Through The Cheese


The second episode of the fantastic new JackalMafia podcast series by PKGen's own Chris 'Blane' Rowat, Kristian McPhee and Bobby Gordon-Smith is out and ready to burn your ears off...

This episode, appropriately entitled Swinging Through The Cheese, covers that critical issue faced by many newcomers to parkour who don't have good guidance on how to train - looking after the knees! As we know, parkour done well will strengthen and revitalise every joint and muscle; but done badly it can, like any athletic discipline done badly - weaken those same structures. This week Blane, Bobby and Kristian break it down for you with their own usual colourful tales from experience and training. 

And who are the Jackal Mafia...? Well, Kristian is a parkour veteran and British champion weightlifter known for his poor sense of humour; Bobby is an expert climber, lifter, parkour practitioner, acrobat, hand-balancer, guitar-player and whatever else he likes to turn his hand to; and Blane is... well, Blane's Blane.

Listen to the podcast here at Spreaker or download direct here.

Follow JackalMafia on Twitter to keep abreast of every release!

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