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Resurgence | Motus x RUN LDN

Awesome level, dass die Jungs da liefern :thumbsup: 

Der Soundtrack macht mich leider nicht so an

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Too much "hype" around the whole video for my liking. Excellent moves though, great level. :D

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10 hours ago, DekiGk said:

Too much "hype" around the whole video for my liking. Excellent moves though, great level. :D

in my opinion, not enough hype.... 83k views is not that much, for a video of this movement and production quality

if you mean the hype regarding the video style... yeah

it's all about MASSIVE jumps... but if you get your head around that these atheletes are 15/16 years old...  :eek: 

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15 hours ago, TOM said:

if you mean the hype regarding the video style... yeah

Thats exactly what I mean :D

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I really love that Giles put out the raw material of the motus video.... pretty crazy stuff happened there

everything is on such a high level

except 14:37 => that's a textbook example of pushing it to hard... it never looks like it's in his range and he pushes and pushes nevertheless, that's a typical injury-recipe 

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