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[PkGenerations]New Article: The Woman's Way

rssIcon.gif New Article: The Woman's Way

A new article by team member Thomas Couetdic reviewing his time teaching at the Women's Classes and regular Girls' Jams in London has recently gone public on the girlparkour website. As ever, wise words and astute observations by Thomas and well worth a read. Hit the link abve to be taken there.

Publish Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 00:35:52 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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After the New Yorker jam, a co-worker saw the bruises on my arm and cuts on my hands and asked what happened to me. I, very tired and without thinking, simply replied, "David Belle." The co-worker then said something about a battered women's shelter and how I shouldn't take that from my boyfriend. Ha!


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