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[PkGenerations]Gymbox Partnership Commences

rssIcon.gif Gymbox Partnership Commences

Tomorrow, Tuesday 6th April, sees us beginning outdoor classes for Gymbox's London-based fitness centres. The classes are primarily for Gymbox members, although non-members may still attend by meeting up with our instructor at the Gymbox centre at the start of the class and paying on the day. The sessions will be held outdoors in the city, using the Gymbox centres as bases for the start and finish. The first class runs out of the Covent Garden branch, starting at 6.30pm - perfect if you work in central London and don't have time to get to our standard Academy classes. In due course we will be starting classes at all the other Gymbox centres, so keep checking back here for when those commence.

Publish Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 17:48:33 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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