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[APK-News]And the Award Goes To...

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This Year's (B)East Coast took the now Annual Film Festival to new heights. The Film Fest started off strong with the world's First Ever 3D Parkour film, 3D-Migos featuring Frosti, Skipper and Travis Graves. From there we saw close to 20 films from all over the world all bringing different styles and moves in their own way. On top of all the excitement of just watching these amazing videos, American Parkour agreed to put up $1000 in prizes to the top 3 and a Festival's Choice video. Read more for the top videos!!Submitted by Billy Skipper HughesNew! Write your own Content (index.php?option=com_content task=new sectionid=49 Itemid=472) on APK!Submit your news to (

Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 00:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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