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[PkGenerations]Unsung Heroes...

rssIcon.gif Unsung Heroes...

With all the weird and wonderful things that go on at Parkour Generations, it's easy to forget the regular grass roots teaching that goes on every single day of the week, carried out by all of our coaches. This week we have daily sessions running for the Positive Futures social inclusion programme Edutain, Marlborough College, a day event in Salisbury for WAYS, a Stag party event for List of Life and of course all our regular nightly Academy Classes. So thanks to all the guys and girls who put so much time and effort into spreading and passing on the discipline to all those who want to learn.. ;)

Publish Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 22:19:51 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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Gegründet im Sommer 2004, online seit 01/2006. ist das read-only Archiv der größten Parkour-Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum und Grundstein der österreichischen Community.
Seit 2021 ist die aktive Community-Plattform. bietet geleitete Trainings/Workshops und ist die Anlaufstelle, für professionelle Anfragen.