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[APK-News]APK at the IIT Guwahati Youth Marathon

rssIcon.gif APK at the IIT Guwahati Youth Marathon

The IIT Guwahati Youth Marathon was a huge success! APK's Mark Toorock was honored to be the Marshal for such an incredible event. Later in the day at the awards ceremony, Frosti, Travis, and Knox did a killer performance! Our good friend Shubham Agarwal was snapping pics as well as APK's Hellen Campos. Check out the APK facebook (!/album.php?aid=216507 id=7810720685) album, and be sure to check out Shubham's albums ( as well! This Pic courtesy of Shubham. Here is a news clip ( with M2 at :3.

Submitted by M2

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Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 22:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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