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[PkGenerations]London Jam: November's 'Off the Wall'

rssIcon.gif London Jam: November's 'Off the Wall'

This coming Sunday, November 28th, we will be holding the free London jam 'Off the Wall' in the Lewisham/Greenwich area. The jam will gather outside Lewisham station on the DLR line for a 1.30pm start, and will begin with a long game of 'Ground Zero' as it makes its way to the Greenwich training area. Off the Wall is a completely free training day organised in London every month, and provides a great opportunity for practitioners of all levels of ability and experience to get together, exchange ideas and training methods, and to learn and share knowledge. Some of our team are always present and all are welcome. For more info email Brian on brian(at)

Publish Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:03:02 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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